Chapter 6: Fostering online learning with educational websites and apps
Focus question:
What are the different types of educational websites available on the internet?
There are 6 types of websites for both students and teachers to use for learning.
These include lesson plan,student-to-expert communication, archival and primary source, Real-time and recorded data,skills practice,and also exploration and discovery websites.
Lesson plan websites:
is a very well used tool (websites) among teachers. there are great websites that help teachers come up with ideas and additional resources for a particular lesson plan.
Student-to-expert websites:
These type of websites i find really interesting its feature includes exchanges of information and ideas in which a student can ask an expert in a particular subject.The experts can be in colleges,businesses,and other organizations. I find this tool really useful for students who want to know something on a particular subject because they can ask someone who knows about that particular subject.
Archival and primary source website:
are websites that can be used to look up historical things. It can be accessed by primary and archival sources this includes organizations, museums,and libraries.This is a great way for students to learn how to do research and also learn about historic events. students can even sometimes find activities or print outs that are provided by the website.
Real time and recorded data websites:
is a type of website in which you can learn different subjects and it would be like your physically there. I had to use a kind of website similar to Skype to be present in the class. one of my teachers went away on a conference so that was his way of giving us a lecture.
skills practice websites:
are based on subjects in which teachers can assign groups to do activities.such as for example a typing website in which it teaches you how to type faster on a computer.
Exploration and discovery websites:
is when students or teaches engage in a topic and want to explore the website and discover information on interested topics and explore the material by doing interactive learning activities.
Tech Tools:
goodreads ( a website program in which you can organize your readings online, by creating shelves you can add titles on shelves. You can rate the books you have read and share your bookshelves. This website needs registration but its free of charge to use. It is a really interesting website in which you can be social with books you have read because you can have your friends see your profile.
Summary and connection:
Chapter 6 discussed social bookmarking, how to manage digital content,and issues surrounding online learning .Also instructional technologies where introduced such as webQuests, virtual field trips and video conferencing. I find this really interesting and fun to use i remember sometime in middle school my band teacher wanted us to hear his friend play the piano and he put his friend through Skype to play for us i found it very interesting because it was something new to me.
Textbook - Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
The abundance of websites makes it 'information overload' and then there's the issue of good v. bad sites, but overall the technologies are very exciting for the classroom. Social bookmarking sites, like Delicious, are not only great time savers for managing websites, but they can also be an effective search tool.